You know how it is with hedgehogs: they can't just eat one potato chip (H/T: David Thompson).
Something to do while you're cooped up at home: the transparent jigsaw puzzle (H/T: Ditto).
From Powerline's "The Week in Pictures".

"There are countless horrible things happening all over the world and horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy them whenever possible." -Auberon Waugh
ReplyDeleteI don't think they're not going to find Dinsdale in a Pringles can.
I like the idea of that case of beer but I have to wonder how many people get/got into major knock-down, drag-out brawls over some 'wit' singing a few too many choruses of 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
ReplyDeleteSpiny: Had to research that a bit -which took me down an unfamiliar path of Monty Pythonalia - but now I see where you got your moniker.
ReplyDeleteV: I don't think I'd let anybody know that I had 99 bottles (too big a risk of someone bursting into song).
Only now?
ReplyDeleteAfter the Dead Parrot, Ethel the Frog is their GOAT.
The Cheese Shop is in top 4 or 5:
A friend once recounted witnessing his buddy, a 38-year-old post-post-grad student, doing the Cheese Shop skit pitch-perfect with a pubkeeper in Cambridge (UK, not MA), with beer brands rather than cheese, and the publican's wife, with a sigh, "Oh bloody hell, not again!"
Fish License is another favorite, especially the album version which segues into the Eric the Half-a-Bee song (iirc, the only instance on record of John Cleese singing solo).
ReplyDeleteHere I go again...
ReplyDeleteI began using this moniker on Fark back in 2002, when, while registering, I was dismayed to discover someone else had snagged "Dinsdale" first, so "Spiny Norman" I became. Apparently, Fark's Dinsey didn't post much, so it was over a year before we ended up on the same thread. Many of our fellow Farkers thought the internet (or at least Fark) was about to obliterate itself, matter-antimatter like. It was quite a funny thread, and one of the most commented-on that never made the main page (most of the site was/is paid subscription, but the main page is the free side).
Spiny: I was only an occasional Monthy Python viewer/listener - which now provides me with some great opportunities to experience much of their material for the first time in my declining years. I was, of course, familiar with the parrot and the cheese shop routines, plus a couple of their films, but there is a lot that I missed.
ReplyDeletePaco, too bad we're not neighbors, you could borrow my 14 DVD complete collection of Monty Python's Flying Circus. That, and the funniest film of all time: Monty Python and the Holy Grail. My favorite skit was the Upperclass Twit of the Year (well, there'll certainly be some car door slamming in Kensington, tonight*), followed closely by Self-defense Against Fresh Fruit aka How to Defend Yourself Against A Man Armed with a Banana, the Pet Shop (Dead Parrot) sketch, the Lumberjack Song, and and and a bunch of others.
ReplyDeleteSpiny, maybe you could have used his full name: Dinsdale Piranha.
*I always wondered if the residents of Kensington were the only people who got the joke. I certainly didn't, but always found the mental image hilarious.
I wasn't all that interested in being the second Dinsdale on Fark, TBH.
ReplyDelete(Fark used to be really fun, and not overtly politically-biased towards one side or the other. But in 2004, right around the time both DKos and DU purged anyone who was not a true, all-in Kerry supporter, Fark was overrun with far left fukwits. It was a remarkable transformation.)
*I always wondered if the residents of Kensington were the only people who got the joke.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they found the humor in the bit in Flushed Away.
Roddy the pet rat (Hugh Jackman): I'm just trying to get home to Kensington.
Toad (a booming-voiced Ian McKellen): Kensington? The Royal Borough??? Up top?
Roddy: [nods] Uh, yes. Up top.
Toad: HUZZAH!!! A man of quality!
I found that especially funny because remembering "door slamming" from the Upper Class Twit of the Year.
Fark was overrun with far left fukwits. It was a remarkable transformation.
ReplyDeleteWell, you know, leftists screw up everything they touch. "Infested" might be a better word than overrun.
Infested seems to mean a slow, insidious progression, but what happened to Fark in the summer of 2004 was quite sudden.
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is, it never recovered. It's still a leftist shathole trying too hard to be funny. Like The Simpsons transformed from following Bart's shenanigans to "stupid Homer jokes", Fark is now overwhelmingly juvenile "Trump"-tagged nonsense.
Sadly, funny, very mildly politically-incorrect, non-Trump-bashing sub-Reddits have been "quarantined", then deleted.
4chan /b/ is the same stupid "pasta" crap reposted over and over again. The /pol/ board, once the source of all the fun hoaxes that escaped into the "meatworld", is still a free-for-all, but very rarely funny anymore.
Old-time humor forums like Something Awful and Ebaum's World still exist, afaik, but were like the undead the last time I saw them.
Even The People's Cube is strangely quiet these days.
I guess I'm just I'm and old fart who misses the Wild Wild West internet of 16-20 years ago.