Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunday funnies

You know how it is with hedgehogs: they can't just eat one potato chip (H/T: David Thompson).

Something to do while you're cooped up at home: the transparent jigsaw puzzle (H/T: Ditto).

From Powerline's "The Week in Pictures".


  1. Hedgehogs.

    I don't think they're not going to find Dinsdale in a Pringles can.

  2. I like the idea of that case of beer but I have to wonder how many people get/got into major knock-down, drag-out brawls over some 'wit' singing a few too many choruses of 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

  3. Spiny: Had to research that a bit -which took me down an unfamiliar path of Monty Pythonalia - but now I see where you got your moniker.

    V: I don't think I'd let anybody know that I had 99 bottles (too big a risk of someone bursting into song).

  4. Only now?

    After the Dead Parrot, Ethel the Frog is their GOAT.

    The Cheese Shop is in top 4 or 5:

    A friend once recounted witnessing his buddy, a 38-year-old post-post-grad student, doing the Cheese Shop skit pitch-perfect with a pubkeeper in Cambridge (UK, not MA), with beer brands rather than cheese, and the publican's wife, with a sigh, "Oh bloody hell, not again!"

  5. Fish License is another favorite, especially the album version which segues into the Eric the Half-a-Bee song (iirc, the only instance on record of John Cleese singing solo).

  6. Here I go again...

    I began using this moniker on Fark back in 2002, when, while registering, I was dismayed to discover someone else had snagged "Dinsdale" first, so "Spiny Norman" I became. Apparently, Fark's Dinsey didn't post much, so it was over a year before we ended up on the same thread. Many of our fellow Farkers thought the internet (or at least Fark) was about to obliterate itself, matter-antimatter like. It was quite a funny thread, and one of the most commented-on that never made the main page (most of the site was/is paid subscription, but the main page is the free side).

  7. Spiny: I was only an occasional Monthy Python viewer/listener - which now provides me with some great opportunities to experience much of their material for the first time in my declining years. I was, of course, familiar with the parrot and the cheese shop routines, plus a couple of their films, but there is a lot that I missed.

  8. Paco, too bad we're not neighbors, you could borrow my 14 DVD complete collection of Monty Python's Flying Circus. That, and the funniest film of all time: Monty Python and the Holy Grail. My favorite skit was the Upperclass Twit of the Year (well, there'll certainly be some car door slamming in Kensington, tonight*), followed closely by Self-defense Against Fresh Fruit aka How to Defend Yourself Against A Man Armed with a Banana, the Pet Shop (Dead Parrot) sketch, the Lumberjack Song, and and and a bunch of others.

    Spiny, maybe you could have used his full name: Dinsdale Piranha.

    *I always wondered if the residents of Kensington were the only people who got the joke. I certainly didn't, but always found the mental image hilarious.

  9. I wasn't all that interested in being the second Dinsdale on Fark, TBH.

    (Fark used to be really fun, and not overtly politically-biased towards one side or the other. But in 2004, right around the time both DKos and DU purged anyone who was not a true, all-in Kerry supporter, Fark was overrun with far left fukwits. It was a remarkable transformation.)

  10. *I always wondered if the residents of Kensington were the only people who got the joke.

    I wonder if they found the humor in the bit in Flushed Away.

    Roddy the pet rat (Hugh Jackman): I'm just trying to get home to Kensington.

    Toad (a booming-voiced Ian McKellen): Kensington? The Royal Borough??? Up top?

    Roddy: [nods] Uh, yes. Up top.

    Toad: HUZZAH!!! A man of quality!

    I found that especially funny because remembering "door slamming" from the Upper Class Twit of the Year.

  11. Fark was overrun with far left fukwits. It was a remarkable transformation.

    Well, you know, leftists screw up everything they touch. "Infested" might be a better word than overrun.

  12. Infested seems to mean a slow, insidious progression, but what happened to Fark in the summer of 2004 was quite sudden.

    The sad thing is, it never recovered. It's still a leftist shathole trying too hard to be funny. Like The Simpsons transformed from following Bart's shenanigans to "stupid Homer jokes", Fark is now overwhelmingly juvenile "Trump"-tagged nonsense.

    Sadly, funny, very mildly politically-incorrect, non-Trump-bashing sub-Reddits have been "quarantined", then deleted.

    4chan /b/ is the same stupid "pasta" crap reposted over and over again. The /pol/ board, once the source of all the fun hoaxes that escaped into the "meatworld", is still a free-for-all, but very rarely funny anymore.

    Old-time humor forums like Something Awful and Ebaum's World still exist, afaik, but were like the undead the last time I saw them.

    Even The People's Cube is strangely quiet these days.

    I guess I'm just I'm and old fart who misses the Wild Wild West internet of 16-20 years ago.
