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"There are countless horrible things happening all over the world and horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy them whenever possible." -Auberon Waugh
I read Tim Blair's blog for years and enjoyed it. When he started sounding like Bill Kristol I gave it up.
ReplyDeleteHis old timblair(dot)net blog was an absolute, irreverent joy.
ReplyDeleteGood to know Tim's still swinging hard. But I get ck's point about him joining the Kristol Khorus.
ReplyDeleteThe old Spleenville blog - damn, Spiny, that was fun. Killed my productivity at work, but back then I worked alone in a storeroom which was off-limits to most of the staff.
ck and Gregory: Your comments about Tim going Bill Kristol intrigue me. I regret to say that I have not read Tim Blair in years (ever since he went behind the paywall), and am behind the curve on his current views. When, and in what way, did he start to sound like Kristol?
ReplyDeletePaco, I can't find any links but I do recall that Tim was dismissive of Trump during 2016. Didn't regard him as a serious contender - nor as a contender worth taking seriously. There may have been a couple of articles where he reconsidered his stand but overall my recollection is that he wrote of Trump with disdain.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read anything of his in quite a while (paywalls are so wonderful), but I see a big difference between a Trump skeptic in 2016 (I was one) and the virulent anti-Trump Kristol Kruiseship Khorus (AHOY!). Does he bash Trump after this much time, or at least still dismiss him?
ReplyDeleteSpiny, one of the local blogs featured Tim's work from time to time and he seemed to have come around. Then the blog got a letter from Tim saying 'Stop using my work' a year or two back, and they did.
ReplyDeleteTim seems to be ongoing good mates with Iowahawk - who was very reluctant to get on board with Trump for quite a while I think. I sense that Tim has adopted Iowahawk's views on the US, which aren't too far from the rest of us these days with all that's happened.
ReplyDeleteExcept he probably still believes China can become a democracy, and some of us doubt that very much. I used to say so on the old Blair comment threads, which made me a bit of an outlier. This their Chernobyl, will it change anything? We'll see.
Thanks for the info, Gregory and Bruce.
ReplyDeleteIt was relatively common for pundits and op-ed writers to be dismissive of Trump in 2016, particularly before he secured the nomination. I wasn't a fan at all, at first - I was a Cruz supporter - but, in retrospect, I'm not sure any other Republican would have beat Hillary, and that was always the number 1 mission for me. Trump has, of course, gone on to do many things conservatives always said they wanted, but which, mysteriously, they never seemed able to effect.
My boss at the agency where I worked - an ass in so many ways - used to just say the word "Trump" during casual meetings with his fellow big shots in the organization whenever the 2016 campaign came up as a topic of conversation. He apparently thought that Trump's very existence was a huge joke. That was one reason I made sure I went into the office the day after the election - just to see the shell-shocked look on his face.
Heck, I was skeptical of Trump back in the day. I was certain he wouldn't even be nominated. Boy have I changed my mind since then.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I've been seeing that "China is asshoe" here and there, and wondered where it came from. I will do my bit of internet warring and keep repeating it, because I think it's funny. And true.
ReplyDeleteI would have voted for Trump if for no other reason than his last name wasn't Clinton.
ReplyDeleteP J O'Rourke said he voted for the Witch of Rodham because she was a known quantity. Vile, reprehensible, but known. With Trump, you didn't know what you were in for.
Funny, because, by the same logic, I would have thrown the lever for the Donald.
Rebecca - you can dance to it too, did you know?