Monday, April 6, 2020

Joe Biden is becoming the Max Headroom of the 2020 presidential race

Although he's replacing artificial intelligence with genuine imbecility; maybe Max Headroom's dumb brother.

"Joe Biden Suggests Democrat Convention May Be Held Virtually, Over the Internet".

A virtual convention which will probably wind up nominating a virtual candidate. If you could poll the founding fathers, I think they'd all profess themselves relieved to be dead.


  1. This is all starting to sound disturbingly Big Brother-ish.


  2. Aside from the easy jokes (can they keep Slow Joe from wandering out of camera range?), I'm wondering about that decision to push the DNC convention into mid-August. That gives their nominee a scant two and a half months to campaign against Trump's four years in office doing what he does. Also, going to a real convention gives the attendees a chance to booze it up with friends, hook up if that's what gets them off, and to stand on the convention floor and scream and holler and pop balloons. A virtual convention would be an incredible snooze fest, but then considering all those non-exciting candidates up for nomination, maybe that's the point.
