Monday, April 27, 2020


I see that several folks on the intertubes have taken to calling North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-undead. According to the linked article, Japanese sources (some of them, anyway), think Fat Boy is probably just fine.

Here's a thought: maybe Joe Biden, in order to burnish his foreign policy bona fides, should go over there on a fact-finding mission; you know, just sort of wander into the DMZ in his glad-handing fashion and try to sort things out.

"C'mon, man! You can't all be named Kim!"

Update BTW, Nancy, "personification" doesn't mean "opposite": "Nancy Pelosi Endorses Joe Biden: ‘The Personification of Integrity’".


  1. Gawddamn. Is Joe "Fingers" Biden deliberately posing like Walter in that picture?


  2. Haw! Sure looks like that's what he's doing!

  3. From the PJ Media article: That is, unless NoKo breaks with tradition and lets Kim’s sister take over. She’s not chubby and probably ten times worse than he is.

    Paco: know, just sort of wander into the DMZ in his glad-handing fashion and try to sort things out.

    Maybe he could sneak up behind Kim Young-in's sister, put his hands on her shoulders and sniff HER hair. "Harmless Joe" might come home "Armless Joe".
