Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A tsunami of stupid

The imbecilariat is out in force across the nation, trying to erase our history and create anarchy everywhere.

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond, Virgina was torn down and thrown in a lake.

Antifa seized a section of downtown Seattle, declaring it an autonomous zone.

Gone With the Wind has been pulled by HBO Max because we, the people, are obviously too dumb to put some of its depictions in historical context.

I wouldn't be surprised if, somewhere, a statue of Booker T. Washington is being toppled at this moment because he was just some uncle Tom. Vast numbers of our fellow citizens are desperately in need of reeducation, but not the kind that's to be found in secondary schools and universities. They are liable to get this education in a school of hard knocks, unless the rest of us have suddenly gone British and turned into sheep.

Update Revolutionaries encounter a few bumps on the road to serfdom.

Definitely not looking forward to the kakistocracy.


  1. There's a simple way for Seattle to take back that "autonomous zone" (not that they will do it). Circle the area with the National Guard and police, cut off the electricity, don't let anybody out or let any food or water in, and see how long it takes for the brave antifa warriors to come crawling and begging.

  2. GREAT MERCIFUL MARX! The homeless that Antifa Seattle invited into their glorious "autonomous zone" have eaten all their snacks. Whatever will they (autonomously) do now???

  3. Meanwhile, across the pond, the Emir Khan of London has declared that the statue of Winston Churchill that was defaced (after citizens trying to protect it were "escorted away" by the police) can stay, for now, because "nobody's perfect" - basically an invitation for the mob to have another go at it - but all others will be subject to "review" by a commission he will create to determine if they are suitably "diverse".

  4. Rebecca, the National Guard is in Seattle, at the request of the mayor.

    And at the request of the mayor, and order of the governor, the Guard troops are unarmed.

    Mayor Durkham and Governor "Scooter" Inslee are ideological comrades. Not to mention idiots.

    1. As the old Army joke goes, "Bang! Bang!". If it's bayonet training, "Stickety! Stickety!

  5. A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond, Virgina was torn down and thrown in a lake.

    As I pointed out over at LI, it's probably the first exercise they have gotten in years. Aside from throwing bricks through windows of small businesses.

    Antifa seized a section of downtown Seattle, declaring it an autonomous zone.

    Autonomous: independent and having the power to make decisions for yourself; existing, or capable of existing independently

    Can they actually live up to the definition of autonomous? It doesn't look too good, so far.

  6. Can they actually live up to the definition of autonomous?

    Hell, no! That could be demonstrated in a few minutes, simply by shutting down the power to CHAZ. Those clowns would run screaming to city hall and the state capital, demanding that power be restored.

    But the elected leaders are in cahoots with the CHAZ clowns. So that ain't gonna happen.

  7. Just some thoughts. They could be dispersed by dropping bars of soap on them. The streets and sidewalks of CHAZ must be getting fairly slippery, and there should be a green cloud forming. Don't they care about the air?! I hope they are made to pay for the clean-up, and the utility bills before they repatriate.
