Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Looks like they've included everything

Via friend and commenter JeffS, here is a list of demands submitted by the...let's see here...oh, yes, "The Collective Black Voices at Free Capitol Hill".

Here's one demand that I'm pretty sure is in the process of being granted right now: "We demand the de-gentrification of Seattle, starting with rent control." Even the progressive gentry are going to think twice about putting a lot of money into a house that's likely to become a billboard of the revolution (if not a charred pile of smoking wood and blackened bricks).


  1. That list lacks sammiches. All revolutionaries love sammiches.

  2. That will probably appear in a future amendment.

  3. That list lacks sammiches.

    Made only with bread of color. No privileged white bread allowed.

    And strictly vegan, of course.

  4. And gluten-free.

    What's "de-gentrification"? Re-ghettofied?

  5. That list lacks sammiches.

    That really is surprising, since the homeless bums they invited in to their embryonic utopia stole all their snacks.

  6. What's "de-gentrification"? Re-ghettofied?

    It's leftie jargon, Spiny, and the best definition I could find is a questionable source.

    Same here, for that matter.

    Re-ghettofication is a more honest way to express the concept, though.

  7. De-gentrification= "Make the white people move out."

  8. I believe Veeshir has the correct definition.

  9. Not all white people, just the ones with jobs. The junkies and potheads will stay, since they were already there when it was a dump.
