Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The guy's more patient than I would be

"The Top Ten Epic Moments During the House Judiciary Committee Hearing With AG Barr".

My contempt for congressmen (and senators, for that matter) who utter slanderous comments from the safety of their hearing rooms, and who use hearings as a propaganda tool knows no bounds. I don't doubt for a minute that vile trolls like Jerry "Nadless" Nadler would gladly serve as executioners under the revolutionary government they think they want (but which would probably liquidate them first). Bring on the revolution, I say. We'll see how brave these swine are outside of their government buildings.


My brief thoughts on Nadler et al (inspired by Veeshir, in the comments)...


RebeccaH said...

I have a sudden mental image of Nadler trying to waddle away from danger as fast as he can go (which, waddle waddle, wouldn't be very fast). It makes me giggle a little.

Veeshir said...

Reading various minitrue outlets and watching CNN and MSNBC you'd think Barr was disrespectful and defended targeting minorities.
I actually clicked on an MSN story about "6 Takeaways from Barr's Testimony" and it was all about Orange Man Bad and Barr is his unrepentant henchman. Not one mention of "Reclaiming My Time!!!" over and over keeping Barr from answering questions.

They're just despicable.