Saturday, September 5, 2020

A sad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

 Jim Gaffigan, the portly comedian with one of the fruitiest voices ever possessed by a heterosexual male (not being judgmental, just making an observation), has lately been flooding YouTube with videos of his various stand-up comedy routines. The sheer volume of these things, to put it charitably, far exceeds the quality of the material. I get it, though. The guy's married and has five children, so that's a lot of mouths to feed. Got to do the best you can.

Unfortunately, he turns out to be another "acceptable" Catholic who has come out against Trump, and has done so in a series of hysterically unhinged Tweets.

I am getting so sick of the knee-jerk vitriol being spouted by people who are complete ignoramuses with respect to history - even very contemporary history - and who take umbrage when anyone dares to question their toxic politics. Gaffigan, taken as an individual, is irrelevant. But he is emblematic of the fifth columnists - in the entertainment industry, in the bureaucracy, in academia, in the media, in sports - who pass themselves off as regular Joes or political moderates or even apolitical types until something, or someone, rises up to threaten the progressive rot that they either secretly support or blithely tolerate. Then, at last, the prospect of losing power and prestige, or maybe just being discomfited in their unthinking assumptions, finally flushes them out to condemn the people who have hired a knight-errant to slay their complacent and overfed pet dragons. In the aggregate, they are a not necessarily insignificant segment of the coalition of the "righteous" who, in one possible scenario envisioned by Victor Davis Hanson (see the previous post), will not hesitate to search out their enemies and persecute them. 

Or maybe Gaffigan is just an idiot who believes everything he hears on CNN. In which case I would remind him of an important point made by the American literary and cultural critic Lionel Trilling: we have a moral obligation to be as intelligent as we can be.

So, either way, whether lazy dumbass or progressive fellow-traveler, Gaffigan is on the side of the gravediggers of our culture and our form of government, another "funny man" who can't see the gulag for the zeks.


  1. The Wuhan coronavirus attacks the respiratory system, but most people recover with little or no long-term damage. TDS attacks the psyche, few recover, and the long-term damage may be crippling.

  2. It's amazing how shallow and easily-led a lot of people apparently are. Bush derangement syndrome was the same, but back then the Dems were more sane except for Al-gore's climate crusade. The same people who mindlessly repeated 'Bush is a Chimp, Bush is Hitler' back then (withour noticing that both can't be true - either he's an idiot or he's a dictator) are doing it again. And the worse the world gets, the more they need a scapegoat for a '2 minutes hate' lynching, like they are reverting to a primitive mob.
