Saturday, September 5, 2020

So close to a happy resolution

 Yet it didn't quite happen. Joe Biden Accused of Groping Breast of Secret Service Agent’s Girlfriend During 2009 Photo-Op.

According to the report, an unidentified Secret Service agent was suspended for a week after the incident for shoving the vice president “after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him.”
“The situation got so heated … that others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President,” according to the report.

Ah, there's always those blasted "others", who manage to thwart the cause of justice. 


  1. Scum rises to the top - Biden is just the worst type, masquerading as a 'nice guy'.

  2. I mean think about this incident, why would an agent jeopardise his career like this? The rigorous selection process to get that secret service job means he isn't crazy or a loose cannon. Something really bad riled him. Then if it was a one-off we could ignore it, but we've all seen Biden's creepiness in videos, and also 'listen fat' how he never backs down even when caught, rather he escalates and tries to bully his victims into silence. Real nice guy...scum of the earth.

  3. I am in complete agreement. He is transparently sleazy, and his assumption of droit du seigneur with respect to Secret Service personnel reveals something of the depth of his depravity.

  4. And, to make matters worse, his Dimocrat sycophants always rush to exculpate him with their "It's just old Joe" bullsh!t when you know if Trump did the same thing they'd want him drawn & quartered, and then something really bad done to him.
