Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Every time one of these protest dummies does something stupid - like, for example, climbing on top of a moving squad car - there's always someone in the crowd who screams when the imbecile gets hurt, as if the person is an innocent victim, instead of a candidate for the Darwin Award.


  1. "Hi, I'm Julian, and I'm your designated Injury Screamer for today's protest."

  2. But the cops forgot to back up!! Unprofessional.

  3. I think that creature was identified at AoSHQ as a "Purple Haired Harpy". They show up at all the cool protests.

  4. I think "OHHH MY GAWWWD" is the Purple Haired Harpy's mating call.

  5. ck: Well, you know, what with the budget cuts, training ain't what it used to be.

  6. From the inimitable Mark Steyn, as quoted at Ace's:

    As recent arrests confirm, a leisurely trustfunded ennui has led unhappy whites - particularly young women and their even more violent transgender comrades, the beneficiaries of a childhood on the Upper East Side and country spreads in Connecticut - to embrace the pathologies that have done so much for Compton. It's the overclass engaging in an underclass minstrel show.


  7. I suppose the dude's father never told him not to jump on top of a moving vehicle.

    Though come to think of it, neither did my father. I suppose he assumed that was the sort of thing you didn't need to warn against.
