Sunday, September 27, 2020

Don't tell me: he played center on the basketball team, too, didn't he?

 "Joe Biden Claimed He Attended Historically Black University; University Disagrees".

Elsewhere, Dwayne "Only His Head is a Rock" Johnson has endorsed the Biden/Harris team. Tell me, Duhwayne, you really want to be associated with the Rob Reiner Meathead Brigade of Anti-Trump Foaming Big Mouths?

Hollywood. The anus of the nation.

Update  Of course, not everything from Hollywood is bilge. Here's the saloon shoot-out scene from Appaloosa, the film friend and commenter Jonah mentioned in the comments section of an earlier post.


  1. I've never heard of Appaloosa. Is it new? I recognize Ed Harris is the Marshall, but is that Viggo Mortensen as his deputy with the shotgun?

  2. The movie came out in 2008. I'm not sure how I learned about it, but we rented it within the last year (Amazon Prime, I think), and it's very good.

    Yes, that's Mortensen as an assistant law dog. In the novels, he carries a ten gauge shotgun; I'm not sure about the one in the movie.

  3. Good scene.

    And youtube followed it with this.
