Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Hey, lady, your Freudian slip is showing

Cackling Commie Kamela Harris accidentally said out loud what a lot of people are thinking when she recently referred to the Harris administration at a campaign event in Arizona.

"Say, I'd love to have another shot at being president! I've got some great ideas...What? What's that? 'Harris', not 'Harrison'? Oh. Heh. Never mind!"

Update  I saw a Biden campaign ad today (the remote always seems to be out of reach), and he wants you to know he's going to find a vaccine for COVID-19. In fact, he has heroically volunteered to serve as the guinea pig for experimental medicines. Paco World News Daily (PWND) has obtained exclusive footage of Joe Biden bravely testing a new drug.

Update II  Oops! Our bad! We've just been handed a bulletin informing us that the video shows Joe Biden taking his daily dose of Metamucil.


  1. I just saw a Biden ad that blamed the rioting on Trump supporters who Trump won't condemn.

    Some of his ads say he's going to shut the country down.
    Some of his ads say unemployment is going up (spoiler: It's not anymore) and he's going to fix the economy Trump screwed up.

    Trump's ads in AZ talk about how Biden is going to give citizenship to illegal immigrants.

    I really have to wonder which of them has a better grasp on AZ voters.
    Dems think they're idiots, the GOP thinks they're against illegal immigration.

  2. Allowing for the anonymity of the source, this is still a shudder inducing peak inside the Biden circus.

  3. Biden also said that his administration would cure cancer.

    Nearly fifty years in national politics and Joe finally got off the fence about cancer. Imagine what else he'll be able to accomplish once he makes up his mind!

    I suppose curing cancer is better than the Zombie Christopher Reeves John Edwards promised us.
