Sunday, September 6, 2020

Quote of the week from Umpire Joe West, after tossing Nationals GM Mike Rizzo from a game

“I wouldn’t take that from a player. I wouldn’t take that from a manager,'” West said, via the Associated Press. “If it was Donald Trump, I’d eject him, too. But I’d still vote for him.”


  1. Country Joe West is a cantankerous old goat, and one of the great "characters" in baseball.

  2. That article tries to make it sound as if he was ejected for not wearing a mask and not for shouting stuff at the umps.
    They use the weasel words, "some speculate", which means, 'Here's some crap I want to throw into this story for some weaselish reason.'

  3. Rizzo shouldn't have been ejected. He was alone, high up in the stands. As for his alleged yelling at umps, so what...people do it all the time. It's part of the game. And, oh the horror, he yelled things like, 'You're brutal!'
    As Jimmy Dugan said, "There's no crying in baseball."
