Friday, October 9, 2020

"Hi, this is...ummmm...."



Spiny Norman said...

The latest from the Gaffe-0-Matic:

Local Las Vegas TV reporter asking again about packing the Court: “Well sir, don’t the voters deserve to know—“

Gropey Uncle Joe: “No, they don’t." (Because the viewers speaking to the reporter are "probably Republicans")

Self-destruction in progress

He's become a cartoon caricature of a hack politician, a rusted-out station wagon dropping parts as it chugs along the highway.

Paco said...

The habitual sense of entitlement, plus the arrogant temperament and the (historically mediocre and getting much worse) cognitive capacity of this pathetic boob combine to make one hell of an unappealing presidential candidate.

But you never know. As Mencken reportedly said, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" (possibly apocryphal, but definitely in line with his thinking and other very similarly expressed sentiments).