Sunday, November 22, 2020

Right on cue

The jackals of the Vichy-Right are circling the Democrats' "kill", looking for scraps: "Never Trumper Jonah Goldberg: Trump ‘Is Trying to Steal’ the Election".

If Trump hadn't accomplished anything but to smoke the establishment frauds out of the conservative woodwork, then his presidency would still have been a success.

Update  I can't remember who said it - George Orwell? Malcolm Muggeridge? - but the observation has always stuck with me: the distinguishing characteristic of the intelligentsia is its lack of intelligence.


ck said...

Liz Cheney too!! Ha

Paco said...

The normals are fighting a war on so many fronts.

Steve Skubinna said...

People like Jonah have no skin in the game. Their "conservativism" is all theoretical, they won't lose employment whoever sits in the Oval Office. So long as the nomenklatura keeps its privileges, politics is a refined and collegial debate.

The only thing that threatens them is the prospect of normies getting too big for their britches.

Paco said...

Won't he and his ilk be surprised if our worst fears about the radical left come true, and their literal skins are threatened with extinction (zero tolerance for Mensheviks!)

Steve Skubinna said...

I have no intention of saddling up and riding into the urban cesspits to rescue any Quisling Republicans. Jonah and the rest of the establishment cons are on their own.

bruce said...

Or is it a return of the carpetbaggers?

Steve & Paco, see what you think of this explanation of what's going on:

bruce said...

'Driven from the White House for half a century after 1932, marginalized in Congress and circumvented by federal state capitalism, the Northern mainline Protestant elite managed to preserve its dominance in three areas: The “Deep State,” the major nonprofit foundations, and elite prep schools and universities. ...

The Social Gospel progressivism these institutions have long embraced is a Janus-faced tradition. One face is technocratic, holding that social and global conflicts, rather than reflecting the tragic nature of human existence, are “problems” which can be “solved” by nonpartisan experts guided by something called “social science.” ...

Shedding its specifically Northern mainline Protestant cultural attributes, a version of Social Gospel Protestantism has mutated into the secular religion of wokeness, the orthodoxy of the universities and the increasingly important nonprofit sector. Its converts include many of the affluent white secular children and grandchildren of members of mainline Protestant denominations like the Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Methodists, which are hemorrhaging membership to the category of religious “nones.” '

Woodrow Wilson is mentioned too.

Paco said...

I think there's a lot of truth in that article. I would emphasize, however, that even though the U.S. has always had its divisions - ethnic, racial, political, class - there used to be something like a shared appreciation for the American ideal, the potential that we were all working toward, and there were many cultural reference points the people had in common, in spite of their differences. I'm not sure that's true at all, anymore.

Veeshir said...

e pluribus unum and the melting pot went out of style.
It's too bad.

Steve Skubinna said...

Throughout the article I was muttering "But today's Puritans are not predominantly WASPs!" and towards the end, the author made the point that "Northern Protestant culture" is open to all who espouse the tenets of wokeness.

Okay then. In that regard, one may argue that it is inclusive, at least in membership if not in ideas. And I think the argument that today's woke thugs are emotionally descended from the bluenose scolds of Woodrow Wilson's ilk is reasonable. They both bear the similarity in their smug bland condescending assumption of superiority.

You know, the right side of history and all.

The salient point is, these people are so convinced of their innate right to rule that nothing anyone else says registers, and further their obligations to set us all right supercede basic human rights. It's the same repulsive "break eggs to make an omelet" dismissal of the horrible cost of their ideology.

It's been said before, but it bears repeating: progressives love humanity but hate people.

bruce said...

Thanks Paco and Steve, appreciate your responses. He also makes a point about elite colleges becoming more dominant vs regional ones:

'The recent conversion to wokeness of the legacy media and big business can be attributed to the increasing reliance of both sectors on a few prestige universities to recruit their top staff.

In living memory, if you wanted a job in a prestigious law firm or company in Dallas or Atlanta, you would do well to attend the *local* state or elite private university, to make connections with the offspring of the local gentry;

being an Ivy League graduate, far from being a plus, might well be held against you. The nationalization and globalization of American business, however, has produced a new, increasingly homogeneous managerial elite filtered through a small number of Ivy League schools and high-status public universities, which serve as finishing schools for the woke overclass.'

And the fight to get into 'prestige' colleges is partly driven by their global prestige now - migrants all want their kids in Harvard (which was founded by Puritans) etc. They don't have to be indoctrinated with obscure Marxism, just learn to talk and walk like the upper class.