Thursday, December 17, 2020


Some general and very initial, but interesting, thoughts from Christopher Roach on the rapidly accelerating dissolution of America's political system and the pursuit of alternatives: "What Is To Be Done?"

Hey, I'll take one: "Pardon Everyone".

Tulsi Gabbard is retiring from Congress this year, but she's looking increasingly interesting as a political figure to be reckoned with.

Let's see, how can we make California an even bigger hell hole? I know! Let's empty the prisons!

I'll say it again: I would be delighted to have Donald Trump and his family as my secret guests should they find themselves in any kind of jeopardy in the near future.

Update  Things that really piss me off (a growing list, to be sure): seeing the incompetent praise junky and camera hog Anthony Fauci described as "the nation's top infectious disease expert" (in an article headlined on the Yahoo page, from Huffpost, which I'm not going to bother to link). 

Update II  In a previous post, I linked to an article that described Bill Kristol's somewhat desultory attempt to dream up a new political party that would, as near as I could understand his maunderings, combine the "best" of the Democrat and Republican parties. I think I've got the perfect mascot...


Mike_W said...

"We met in taverns"
"We met in restaurants"
"We met in churches"

Explains a lot.

kc duffy said...

My kids never realized I would have been a revolutionary...they're learning.

kc duffy said...

My kids never realized I would have been a revolutionary had I been there in 1776...they're learning.