Thursday, December 17, 2020

So, are the NBA and its overpaid, overentitled stars ok with this?

The NBA continues to knuckle under to China, so I'm not real interested in the protestations of "oppression" and "inequality"  by its millionaire stars.

And how is this for irony? Hundreds of thousands of minority laborers in China are being forced to pick cotton (the prime historical example of the use of slavery in the United States).

H/T: Friend and commenter Veeshir.


Steve Skubinna said...

On the plus side, check out our new all cotton team jerseys in the NBA store! Top quality 100% cotton at a new low price!

RebeccaH said...

Well, the Uighurs aren't black, so I doubt LeBron James and Colin Kaeperdick (who isn't very black either) care much.

bruce said...

It's called breathtaking hypocrisy.

Steve Skubinna said...

No Bruce, it's called selling your principles to the highest bidder. Purely a financial transaction, nothing more.

Or to quote one of the greatest films of all time, "It isn't personal, it's business."

bruce said...

That too Steve, but I doubt many of these ever held the principles they espouse.

There's a saying on the 'net which applies across the board -
'Don't pay too much attention to what they say, just watch what they do'.