Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Cheating on an epic scale

John Perrazo at FrontPage provides one of the most detailed lists of voting irregularities that I've seen yet.

Interesting - tragically so - how it turns out that Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union (perhaps even Communist China) were never the existential threats to our freedom that our own aggressive leftwingers and pusillanimous GOP are turning out to be. Just think of the speed at which our institutions have deteriorated since the Obama regime, and how fast things have continued to fall apart, even in spite of Trump, the sworn enemy of the evil which besets us.

And this statement by Michael Walsh, written almost a dozen years ago, is proving to be ever more profoundly true: the Democrats are "a criminal organization masquerading as a political party". 


Mike_W said...

You have to hand it to the orchestrators of the Great Reset and NWO.
They planned this NWO coup to perfection.
Barring war and overthrow of these tyrants and their cowardly and evil collaborators, divine intervention is the only remedy.

Veeshir said...

Everybody in any position of authority and in the media knows about this and they've all decided that they have to destroy America to save it from the bad Orange Man.

They have no idea what the deal with Trump is. He's a sympton, not the cause.
Porkbusters>>>tea party>>>>Donald Trump>>>>???????

I'm not sure what comes after Trump considering how blatantly they cheated us, but I don't think anybody's going to like it.