Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How low can they go?

 If you're a cog in Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer's police state machine, pretty low, indeed.

Preying upon people's sympathy and charity - during the Christmas season - to entrap them. What can one say?


Steve Skubinna said...

Until recently, when stories like this would break, I'd just mutter "Serves you clowns right for voting for this."

But in light of recent events, I'm not so sure. Maybe a majority did not actually vote for this. Who can be sure anymore? Did a majority in NY really vote for that thug Cuomo? Did a majority in NYC elect that commie crapweasel DeBlasio? How can we be sure Wretched Whitless is the legitimate governor? So my next question is, what happens when a critical mass of the electorate loses faith in fair and free elections?

We already know what happens, so the real question is, could it happen in the US?

Mike_W said...

A comment I saw elsewhere:
"How did we get from 'Flatten the curve' to 'Stay home until you accept communism'?"

Paco said...

Mike: Yeah, that was quite a leap.

Mike_W said...

Sometimes it feels like we are entering the Twilight Zone, and it's terminal.