Saturday, December 26, 2020

Explosion in Nashville

The explosion in Nashville, Tennessee yesterday has left many unanswered questions. J.E. Dyer at Liberty Unyielding covers what is known (and points out the many things that aren't).


RebeccaH said...

The final sulfurous gasp of 2020? We've still got a week to go. Pray there aren't any more.

Paco said...

How long before somebody finds a way to blame this on Trump?

JeffS said...

From a friend in IT: These are in a 3 block radius of the bomb blast, AT&t, sun guard recovery site, Microsoft 365 data center; there is a significantly impressive number of possible targets.


“ The Microsoft 365 data center, really doesn't make much sense given the redundancy across the nation and the world; The sungard recovery services typically do not hold tapes unless there is a DR exercise or an actual emergency being held there. AT&t seems to be the most likely target, but that location was a target rich environment”

Deborah said...

Are we there yet?

Ban RVs! They can explode at any minute! And (gasp*) they use fossil fuel!