Thursday, December 17, 2020

Take it away, Dean



Deborah said...

That was a wonderful rendition! This is one of my favorite Christmas songs. Thanks, Paco!

Now for the plunger tree... it's funny, but that might come with time in purgatory.

The poinsettia is funny!

Paco said...

I think I've scored enough purgatory points to cover that, but I probably ought to check.

Paco said...

Btw, I've always loved what I would call the timbre of Dean Martin's voice, coupled with his relaxed style of delivery.

ck said...

Dean Martin, greatest singer ever!! An outstanding (and under-rated) actor also.

RebeccaH said...

Another great singer from Martin's era was Perry Como. Remember him? Martin is still remembered because of his ties to Las Vegas and the Rat Pack, but I never see anything about Como.

Paco said...

ck: Yes, he was a good actor. Rio Bravo, The Sons of Katie Elder and (one of my favorite westerns) Rough Night in Jericho - not to mention the political drama Ada and the original Ocean's 11.

Rebecca: Perry Como's version of Moon River is my favorite. His voice was so rich and soothing, I once heard a DJ refer to him as "the human tranquilizer" (it was intended as a compliment).

Veeshir said...

I used to work in an Italian restaurant in the North End in Boston, I can't take Deano, Frank or Perry Como anymore.
It's too bad, I used to like them occasionally.
Except New York, New York, I've hated that since I was 19. Every bar in NY used to play that from 2am to last call at 4am every Friday and Saturday night. The drinking age was 18 so it took a year until I couldn't take it.

Paco said...

Proving that you can get too much of a good thing.

I, too, have always hated "New York, New York".

Deborah said...

Paco, are you thinking of Andy Williams re:Moon River? I never hward Como cover it.

Paco said...

No, Perry Como. If you go to Youtube and search, you'll find several versions by Como, both studio and live.

Anonymous said...

SCTV's Perry Como "Still Alive Tour" skit is a classic. It's here.

bruce said...

My sister-in-law was born in Rome and she has many special qualities such as loyalty, passion and sympathy, and she's exceptionally hard working. Also she's stunning even in her 60s (Her maiden name as she divorced my maniac brother):

But the 'Italian stuff is the best' thing can be so tiring after a while.