Thursday, December 3, 2020

The thing I like most about Trump

 He be like...


Mike_W said...

Personally, I hope Trump announces emergency measures and calls in the military to round up all the traitors, including Biden.
Trouble is, he'd also need to lock up virtually all the media and half the Republican party.
It'd be very messy.
But surely, the U.S.A. can't just roll over and allow these thieves to steal presidential elections.

RebeccaH said...

I don't want to see that, Mike_W, because then we really would be like a banana republic. I want Trump to keep doing for the next our years what he's been doing, contesting everything, revealing the fraud and hypocrisy, and making the Dems answer for their misdeeds (real ones, not the made-up ones they used on him). Let them taste their medicine, and make sure the public is watching and evaluating. #JoeBiden#NotMyPresident

RebeccaH said...

"four years, not our years"

Mike_W said...

As I've said before, RebeccaH, my preferred remedy would be a murderous and benevolent dictator.
Leave him do his thing for six months to a year and then, back to being a constitutional Republic, minus most of the leftist scumbags.

Trouble is, I wouldn't trust anyone, apart from Jesus Christ, to be placed in the role of "benevolent and murderous dictator".

But something radical definitely needs happening.

Apart from a murderous and benevolent dictator, my preferred remedy is a SMOD.
Sometimes, one just has to call in an artillery strike on one's own position.
Who knows, maybe a decent person or two could crawl out of the rubble and start again.

Veeshir said...

Definitely not "our years," our fine betters are trying to make sure they're their years.
That's become plain as the election fraud they're perpetrating..

Deborah said...

The Dems won't acknowledge the fraud. Case in point is the Georgia hearing yesterday. After viewing security camera footage showing irregularities including suitcases being taken from under tables where they they were hidden by table cloths, two Democrats still asked for proof. The witness said, "I just showed it to you."

They are stuck on stupid in Georgia and Michigan. The dots are connected and yet they refuse to see.

What can President Trump do if he doesn't prevail? The Dems believe that his team has had 30 to 40 lawsuits "debunked". Rudy Giuliani was attacked by a Michigan Democrat at that hearing after setting the record straight that they have only filed three lawsuits. He clarified that there are other non-affiliated entities that have brought suits.

OAN is showing hearings wall-to-wall.