Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Working -with-your-hands Wednesday


Bonus video!  Check out these kinetic sculptures (I was particularly intrigued by the wind-walking apparatuses that first appear at about the 3:09 mark).


Steve Skubinna said...

What is the plural of "apparatus?" I bet "apparatuses" is not right, but "apparati" sounds stupidly pretentious. To the point that I would avoid using it even if it were right.

Just checked Mirriam-Webster, they say you are correct, and also simply apparatus can be plural. Okay, saves me using constructions such as "Look at that apparatus over there! And look at the other one, and the one next to that one!"

RebeccaH said...

Art meets engineering.

bruce said...

Now set them on fire in the desert - Well the big one reminded me of Burning Man, which folks over here are fascinated by.

Paco said...

Seriously? You thought I used the wrong word? C'mon, Steav!

Steve Skubinna said...

Paco, in general your wordments are beyond depoach.

Paco said...
