Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 Almost missed it! Actually, maybe I already have. Anyway, Happy Australia Day all you "blokes" and "sheilas" (H/T: Gregory at The mind is an unexplored country).

Incidentally, Mrs. Paco and I have been semi-binge watching The Man from Snowy River television series. Good stuff; sort of a "Little House on the Billabong".


Steve Skubinna said...

Never knew there was a TV show. The film had just been released in Oz the first time I visited there, in '82. I also heard a local band called Men At Work and bought their album on cassette.

When I got back to CONUS five months later and told everybody about this great Australian "Western" everyone said, oh yeah, good film, they watched it three months ago.

Okay, listen to this band from Down Under, and they all said, oh yeah, we saw them in concert two months ago.

Irobot said...

The movie was excellent and the poem by A.B. (Banjo) Paterson is one of my all time favourites. https://www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/paterson-a-b-banjo/poems/the-man-from-snowy-river-0001004 It is a ripping yarn that captures the high country around the Snowy Mountains. The cadence of the poem matches the story perfectly. It is worth looking at his works as they paint a beautiful picture of life in Australia at the time. Other classics include Clancy of the Overflow, Mulga Bill's Bicycle and The Man From Ironbark. If you need an interpreter I am here for you.

Mike_W said...

Yeah, it's all fun and games until a bunyip climbs out of a billabong and rips your arms off, while you are blissfully reading Banjo Patterson.
Or a drop-bear leaps from a eucalyptus tree onto your head.
I won't mention the redback spiders on the dunny seat in the outdoor loo.

Paco said...

Irobot: Fair dinkum offer, mate. A drongo like me will probably need some interpretation.

Mike: Yeh, and let's not even get on the subject of those damned poisonous jellyfish and great big sharks.

Irobot said...

Fair suck of the sav Paco, don't keep me hanging like a shag on a rock then. Gotta duck down to the servo this arvo so I'll be flat out like a lizard drinking. Vegemite come too.

Paco said...

Hmmm. M'y-e-s. Er, quite so, I'm sure.

Steve at the Pub said...

Yair, there was some sort of series, didn't realise it hadn't died without trace.
It was no connection to the poem/ballad.

Fun fact for Paco's amusement: The lead role, Andrew Clarke, was at that time offered the job as James Bond, on a 10-year lock-in.
He refused, as his career was "really taking off" & a 10-year in the wilderness as James Bond would have been too limiting for his prospects.

He should have taken it, I don't think he's make even a soap commercial since.