Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Great Clarification continues

Rep. Kevin McCarthy is a GOP establishment guy who played ball with Trump for awhile, but has now resolved himself into his original squishy RINO elements: "GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Blames Trump for DC Rioting Earlier in Week". The idiocy and the cowardice continue to disgust (but not surprise) me. 

Also, Rep. James Clyburn (Dumbass - SC) claims that George Bush called him (Clyburn)  ‘the savior’ for endorsing Biden

At one time, there was a lot of fuss made over the assertion that then-President George W. Bush served a plastic turkey to troops overseas. I believe it was all a misunderstanding. George Bush didn't serve a plastic turkey; he was and is, however, a very real turkey, and he bears a significant amount of the blame for the emasculation of the Republican Party (in fairness, though, he has had an awful lot of help).

Related - a good piece by Don Surber: "The Donald was their final warning".

1 comment:

Bucky said...

I propose a new term to describe Republican Leaders like McCarthy and McConnell: Blue Pill Republicans. They have seen the reality but choose the easy life in the Establishment Matrix with all the perks the Left deigns to grant them.

Justice for Ashli Babbitt!