Monday, January 25, 2021

Winner of this month's Pavel Trofimovich Morozov award

Son informs on father, tips off FBI to father's participation in the Washington "insurrection".

Gee, whatever happened to little Pavlik?

N.B. The story may be apocryphal, but was widely believed in the Soviet Union and was used as propaganda. Pavlik was proclaimed a "martyr" for informing on his father; but even Stalin referred to him as that "little swine".


Veeshir said...

Somebody's out of the will.

He should change his name to Parsons.

Mike_W said...

There are many, many "little swine" out there quite happy with what's going on.
When I mentioned to a few people that there are plans to reduce global population by 90%, the most common reply was, "There are too many people in the world, anyway".
Good grief.

As an interesting exercise, if one were to give a quarter acre block of land to every person on the planet, it would take up about seven or eight of the larger states in the U.S.A.(not that I'm suggesting doing this).
The "global overpopulation" myth is being pushed by the media and the wicked people behind this Scamdemic crime.

As usual, the tyrants are having no problems employing thugs to enforce their tyranny and crush dissent.