Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Yes, yes, I know

The constitution prohibits censorship by the government, not by private entities. But what happens when one faction of the government outsources its censorship to the private sector? Daniel Greenfield opines.

This is a development that Conservative, LLC persists in failing to understand. "Build your own internet!", they shout derisively. Or, truth to tell, maybe they understand the consequences perfectly, and are all in favor of the "private corporation" serving as a front for radical government, as long as they get to keep their sinecures as "thought leaders" in the conservative Potemkin village.

Agents of free enterprise considering their next moves against wrong-think.


Steve Skubinna said...

This is the first time I have seen so-called "conservatives" fiercely defending cartel behavior. It makes me suspect that I have been wrong my entire life, thinking of myself as conservative.

Incidentally, when the cartel is intertwined with the state, we call it a "corporate state, or for short, fascism.

RebeccaH said...

If conservatives do manage to build their own network (not impossible), you can bet Big Tech will do everything in its power to squelch that. Then we'll see who's who.

Mike_W said...

I fear this coup is not just about the U.S.A. but all part and parcel of the planned Great Reset, One World Government and NWO.

The Great Reset aficionados are openly bragging about their plans(look up "Great Reset Schwab"), and that a strong U.S.A. is not part of those plans.
Soros, a few years back, was bragging that "everyone is on board".

Oh, and the Covid Scamdemic is part of the plan: a means to alienate us from one another, isolate us and demoralize us.