Friday, February 26, 2021

In battles between bullies and pussies...

 ...the bullies win every time. "The Merrick Garland nomination shows Republicans at their worst". 

Watching the line-up for Merrick Garland's confirmation votes on his nomination, I realized something today about politics in Congress. All Democrat politicians, whether famous or unknown, can reliably be counted on to vote a straight Democrat party ticket. Meanwhile, many Republican politicians, whether famous or unknown, can also be reliably counted on to vote a straight Democrat party ticket.
I see that at least one of my own invertebrate GOPe senators, Thom Tillis, is going to support Garland. Although the article doesn't mention his name, I assume the other North Carolina senator - Richard Burr, the most famous ex-lawn-mower salesman in the south - will also tag along with the pusillanimous wing of the party.

I guess the Republican Party really is reactionary. Most of its elected officials act as if they were still dealing with the Democrat Party circa 1960.


Steve Skubinna said...

See, that's what the media call "bipartisanship."

RebeccaH said...

Remind people when the elections come around. And if they don't intend to run again (most likely having skimmed off as much profit as they can), take a good, hard, in depth look at the people who want to replace them.

Veeshir said...

It's not really funny, but I prefer Democrat Kirsten Sinema to ostensible Republicans Flake and Effin McCain.

Paco said...

V: Democrats at least generally stab you in the front.