Tuesday, March 16, 2021

I don't know about that

Nick Nolte thinks continuing support for Killer Cuomo is strong because the media have no credibility. This may be a contributing factor, but I'm inclined to think the main problem is that vast numbers of the citizenry there are political morons. As I've said before, for all their bluster and swaggering self-complacency and imagined toughness, New Yorkers (a majority of the urban dwellers, in any event) are easily-led sheep who have fallen so hard, and for so long, for leftist fairytales that they're not likely ever to be nudged significantly in the direction of reality. And this is not uniquely a problem with New York; the same can be said for Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit and scores of other cities across the country - all of them ruled by Democrats for whom their constituents are simply election livestock.

1 comment:

  1. I think I agree with you, Paco, just because I know so many people who are completely unmoved by contradictory facts when their minds are made up. It's a kind of mental blindness.
