Tuesday, March 16, 2021

He left out Aryan Nation, the KKK, Rosicrucians, the Illuminati and Daughters of the Confederacy

"Newsom Says Origin of Recall Effort Has Ties to Right-Wing Militia Groups, QAnon Conspiracy Theories, Three Percenters, Proud Boys".


  1. Gnomes of Zurich. The Knights Templar. The Rothschilds.

    Or, given his predilections, right-deviationists, wreckers, hoarders, kulaks, counter-revolutionaries, Trotskyites, and British agents.

  2. He also left out the Daughters of the American Revolution.

  3. By the way, the correct title of the organization you wrote about is the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

  4. Hey, easy on the Daughters of the Confederacy. I could be one of them. Also, the Daughters of the American Revolution.

    But so is my California cousin, who most definitely would do her part in signing the petition to recall Gavin the Terrible.

  5. I'm not knocking the Daughters of the Confederacy; I just threw them into the mix as an example of the absurd reasons Newsom might also have used to explain the recall effort. My brother and nephew, in fact, belong to some kind of organization of descendants of Confederate veterans. Great, great grandpa Solomon was captured late in the civil war and died in a Union prison camp in New York (in a town called Elmira, I believe).
