Monday, March 15, 2021

I wonder if Kurt Russell is up for another movie in the series

Call it Escape from Amerika. The big problem, of course, is...where to escape to?

H/T: Instapundit

Update  Meh. Even Honduras might start to look good if this ever happens: "Meghan Markle wants to run for president of the United States in 2024, according to reports."


  1. I think Ms. Merkin Muffley has vastly overestimated her popularity with the masses. I very much doubt that normies look on her with the adulation she so obviously believes is her due. In fact, I think the majority of people are about done with her sh!t.

  2. She really seems to think she'd be a viable candidate.
    I'd guess not.
    Not just because she's a nitwit, but I don't see America electing a female POTUS with a (censored)whipped hubby.

    I have no respect for him whatsoever. Not just for the obvious whipped status but because he sold his gun collection.
    Imagine the guns in the collection of a Brit prince.
    Lots of double barreled elephant guns shooting stuff that end in "magnum", stuff with awesome inlay made by gunmakers in business since the 1400s, not to mention a bunch of stuff from his military days.
    So sad.

  3. She's a neurotic ex-starlet married to a disfavored British prince, both of whom like to play the race card. I would laugh and say nobody would be stupid enough to endorse that, but then it's Democrats we're talking about. Maybe they would see a vote goldmine in the middle-aged tabloid-reading cat lady demographic.

  4. Yeah, the gun dumping pretty much finished the guy, for me (was there an auction, btw?)

    I would've laughed at Mrs. Not-a -Princess's pretentiousness, too, but I have the same concern about the sheer insanity of the Democrat party.
