Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Now, why would that be, I wonder

"Capitol riot shooting death shrouded in mystery more than two months later".

There may not be a "federal standard" for "releasing the names of officers involved in a fatal shooting", but I note with interest that in virtually every instance in which a person is shot by a local cop - particularly if the race of the victim can be used to advance the leftist narrative - the name is forthcoming, pronto. I don't know that Ashli Babbitt's family will ever see justice done, but I, for one, would like to see the results of a full investigation. I'd also like to win the Powerball lottery, but I imagine that's never going to happen either.


  1. People who used bear spray on other people were identified immediately, but we can't find out the name of the officer who shot Ashli Babbitt dead. I don't know what the writer of this article saw, but it was more than just "a gloved hand". I saw the video, and I saw a plainclothes officer jump out and shoot. It was only a split-second view, but it was clear who did the shooting. Someone higher up than the Capitol police is protecting him, so yes, we'll probably never find out who did it (maybe years from now). That whole article was written in weasel words to disguise what really happened.
