Monday, March 22, 2021

Our stupid experts

Don Surber explores the depths of incompetence and ignorance afflicting our government's managerial class. I really like his closing:

Washington has failed to get the job done for decades. I look at the country and see it peaked in 1988 and again in 2019, with a whole lotta ruin in between. Washington has too much power and too little competence. A bunch of people enter the Capitol and the first thing the Capitol Police do is start shooting people.
Ashli Babbitt is dead, as is our faith in this government. The only difference is that unlike Babbitt, that faith in government deserved to die.


  1. Our fine betters have to believe what all the other Elite!!!!! of our society believe.
    Slavish adherence to whatever belief is popular at the time is how you can tell they're smarter than we are.

    I sometimes wonder if there's a small number of even eliter elites who sit around trying to find more and more ridiculous idiocies for them to believe.

    I almost hope so.
    At least that way someone's getting more enjoyment than frustration at the trend.
    Unless they're trying to find something too ridiculous for our oh so intelligent and erudite Elite! to believe.
    If so, they're probably more frustrated than we are.
    I mean, once you've convinced a bunch of elitists that you're a hater if you don't think guys in dresses should be able to use the women's room or compete against actual women in sports, there's not much more ridiculous to go.
    That would explain maternity combat flight suits.

  2. I keep hoping that the Biden presidency is some kind of 4Chan prank that just got out of control.

    "Hey, if we can make people think the OK sign is a white power symbol, maybe we can even make them think Joe Biden is a sentient being - and presidential timber, to boot!"

  3. There are those among us who cannot stand personal autonomy and demand that chains be forged for them to wear.

    Which is fine by me. What I do not consent to, is that I also wear their chains.

  4. The trouble with experts is that, because they become experts in one thing, they believe they're expert in all things. This explains Anthony Fauci, because he is an absolute expert in climbing the bureaucratic ladder and convincing people that he knows what he's talking about.

  5. Ol' Paco once defined an expert as a son of a bitch with a briefcase from out-of-town.
