Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday



  1. An interesting design. Good craftsmanship, and good use of materials. I see that his maiden voyage was without a life jacket.

    Not sure that I would use it on a regular basis, though.

    One competition that is common amongst civil engineering students: building a lightweight concrete canoe.

    1. No life jacket probably means shallow water. It's the safest way to test.

      I agree with your assessment. Great job all around.

      Ferro cement boats have been around for a long time. The drawbacks are: weight, and if the hull is cracked, repairs are near impossible because the water seeps in and separates the concrete.

  2. I've seen a clip somewhere of engineering students trying to build boats out of cement. My recollection was that some did ok, and others are probably C- students.
