Tuesday, April 6, 2021

He just can't help himself

The Turtle Who Walks on Two Legs is hopelessly infected with establishmentitis: "Mitch McConnell Defends Fauci: ‘He’s the Most Reliable Witness I’ve Seen’".

The Democrats are scrambling to turn the country into a woke gulag, and this RINOsaur just stands hip deep in the swamp, mumbling more or less incoherently through a mouthful of ferns.


Gregoryno6 said...

Perhaps Mitch meant to say that Fifty Masks Fauci is just the least unreliable witness he's seen. Considering the countless hours he's spent among the Democrats that wouldn't be unlikely.

RebeccaH said...

... but we have to take advice from somebody, and for myself, looking at his history and background, he’s the most reliable witness I’ve seen.

Must we take advice from "somebody", or can we research and weigh the evidence for ourselves? It's pretty clear the Murder Turtle hasn't, if he's just "taking advice from somebody".