Wednesday, June 16, 2021

North Korean defector pays American wokesters the ultimate "compliment"

"Even North Korea isn't this nuts".


rinardman said...

I discovered Yeonmi's YouTube channel not long after she started it, and have been a subscriber for most of that time. IIRC, she had less than 10k subscribers then, but has 568K subscribers now, so she is reaching a lot of people with her message. She doesn't pull her punches when it comes to exposing Kim Jong Il (which I think means "Little Fat Bastard" in Korean) and I actually worry about her safety, even with her being here in the U.S.

And yes, I'm including the Marxist-left wacko nut-jobs from this country among those she needs to fear harming her. She has mentioned some of the social media attacks from them already.

rinardman said...

I meant Kim Jong-un, not Kim Jong-il. They all sound alike to me.

Paco said...

I'll certainly have to check out her YouTube channel. Thanks for the tip.