Friday, July 23, 2021

Cranky neighbor tells hero to "get off my lawn"

You can practically hear the milk of human kindness sloshing around inside of some people, while others were obviously weaned on pickles: "'Have him die somewhere else': Neighborhood lawn worker yelled at while trying to save man's life".

Of course, sometimes "get off my property" is exactly the right response...


RebeccaH said...

I can totally see those homeowners yelling for the man to die somewhere else. You run into them all the time, people who live in some kind of cocoon where there are no other human beings but themselves. And then there are people like the lawnmower guy.

Deborah said...

There's a person who needs a lot of dog poo across his yard, and a few bags on his doorstep. That, and to be persona non grata in the neighborhood. Hope he never needs urgent medical care.

Deborah said...

And another thing...what makes a man be like that? Maybe part of Doc Holliday's response explanation of Johnny Ringo's actions in the movie Tombstone would explain it. "He has a great big hole in him."