Friday, September 10, 2021

My name is Paco...

 ...and I approve of this message: "Against Biden's Mandates".

No liberal society forces medical treatment on healthy citizens, nor monitors their movements or employment. No sane society accedes to sweeping new policies (not laws) enacted without due process and imposed by a centralized state. And no healthy society allows its political class to demonize whole swaths of the country while creating fear and division.


  1. In today's episode of "What if..." we discuss the left's reaction if it were President Trump who had announced that he planned to do the exact same as President Most Popular Ever.

    Ignorant of Science! Authoritarian! Dictator! Impeach!!!

  2. I'm just flummoxed. Are Dopey Joe's handlers letting him hector, threaten, and declare unconstitutional mandates to keep him happy because they know the pushback will be enormous and thus effective, or do they actually believe in what they're doing? Is it political calculation or is it just plain insanity? I can't tell anymore.

  3. It's a pivot, Rebecca, an attempt to distract people from all of Biden's other failures.

    To which I say: "F**k you, Biden."

  4. Rebecca: Up until the last few years, I thought the leftist ideologues were simply getting bolder and more belligerent - which they have been, obviously. But a lot of what's taking place really does seem to be the result of some kind of madness.
