Friday, September 10, 2021

Nice shootin', Tex

"New York Times Obtains Security Footage Revealing 'ISIS Facilitator' Killed by Biden Drone Strike Was Actually an Aid Worker Returning to His Family".

I figured Biden's people were lying about this; that's why the names of the "ISIS facilitators" were not released.


  1. So ISIS, with the help of Biden* and Milley, killed a whole lot of people, including 13 Americans, so Biden* and Milley killed some random dude.
    I am utterly unsurprised.

    * Biden* is shorthand for 'whoever's in charge. I figure it's Valerie Jarret.

  2. The incompetence, the mendacity, the power-lust - they are wide and deep in Washington.

  3. And still the only one held to account is the Marine LtC who is upset nobody's been held to account.

  4. The media will not report on this, of course. I have to wonder if media figures have to drink themselves unconscious every night.

  5. How do we know that was an aide worker?
