Tuesday, October 12, 2021

And now, a word from our sponsor



  1. I never heard of anyone actually buying one of those, but I do recall reading that ad and wondering if they actually worked.

  2. I remember that we had a pair of these around the house when my brother and I were kids (not sure how we came by them; we also had some plastic vomit and Mexican jumping beans, so we might well have ordered this junk from a comic book, although I think it's more likely that we picked the stuff up in a "party pack" or some such thing at Woolworth's).

    The glasses just create a fuzzy image with the object viewed having a kind of prominent outline that coincides with its shape. Definitely not Superman-level x-ray vision.

  3. We made our own with bird feathers.

    If you look through a feather you get that effect, so you make cardboard 'glasses', cut the feather to shape and glue in place. Amused us for a day or so as kids.

  4. That's interesting. I'll have to try that sometime.

    Speaking of birds, I was outside just now in the early evening and saw five or six hummingbirds buzzing around the flowers on our butterfly ginger plants. I don't blame them: the things smell very sweet, somewhat suggestive of gardenias.
