Thursday, October 14, 2021


"Dad Serves Stunned School Board With $200 Million Lawsuit In Middle of Meeting".

This guy is literally in the front line of the Resistance. People will put up with a lot, but when you start messing with their children, you are poking the lion with a stick (and you have failed to notice that the cage door is wide open).


  1. They're our betters so it'll be dismissed because of 'standing'.
    The catch-all they use to stop us from using the same lawfare lefties use so often.

  2. Yes, they're all married to each other, same here where 'journalists' are married to politicians and various in the hierarchy. All very cosy, they dare to talk about 'oligarchs' in Russia, when THEY are the new pan-global oligarchy of vested interests.

    That father whose daughter was raped at school should sue for a billion too.

  3. That was beautiful. Even if the school board gets it dismissed, I hope the parents can find enough funding to keep appeal after appeal after appeal going, until the school board members go bankrupt or resign.

  4. Rebecca: Exactly so. The idea is to keep the pressure on, keep these puny faux elites off balance, force them to explain themselves every day, make their jobs uncomfortable and, indeed, painful.

  5. They'll just use school money to defend themselves, so the parents will pay both sides' lawyers.
    Not to be a contrary icehole, but I'm pretty well sick of how the game is rigged.

  6. Don't have to sue school boards for enormous damages relying on the services of pricey attorneys; steps far short of that can be taken, such as initiating private investigations, seeking subpoenas for all kinds of documents, communications, bombarding the state's AG with demands for action against the board members who clearly have been engaging in conspiracies against the parents, and there are probably at least a few attorneys who will do much of the work pro bono; and if there are any conservative billionaires out there who really want to make a difference, they ought to be funding right-wing "lawfare" operations, instead of pissing money away on politicians' PACs. If nothing else, I understand that chasing one's opponents into bathroom stalls is all the rage; try that.

  7. Exactly:
    Use their own tactics against them.
    Keep the pressure on.
    The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
