Thursday, October 14, 2021

No white people need apply

 Yeah, we'll see how that goes: "Chicago Art Museum Fires Unpaid Volunteers For Being White".

The Art Institute of Chicago had been able to depend on the help of 122 highly skilled volunteers, mostly older white women, to act as guides to the Museum’s collection of 300,000 works, which they explain in great detail to visitors.
The volunteers also acted as “school group greeters” to help children understand the importance of what they were seeing.
Training requirements for the position were intense, and the volunteers were apparently doing a great job.
But now they’ve now all been dismissed for not being “diverse” enough.

 So, why is this guy still there?


  1. It's appalling that James Rondeau would fire fellow volunteers, like himself, just because they are white.

    Oh, wait. You say he's not a volunteer, and gets paid over $900,000 a year? Well, I'm sure he earns it, making important decisions like firing volunteers because of the color of their skin. He's a management genius.

  2. Yeah, that's a completely different kettle of whitefish.

  3. Or, maybe in this case...a completely different kettle of whitefolks.

  4. More destruction of long established institutions, I see.
