Wednesday, October 13, 2021

I sure will, Your Excellency!

Oh, said "conversion". I thought you said "combustion": "Catholic Bishop: Nancy Pelosi is Leading the 'Culture of Death,' Pray for Her Conversion".


  1. Combustion works for me. Spontaneous or otherwise.

  2. Conversion into compost - recycling!

  3. Nasty Pelosi worships Mammon and whatever god guarantees political power, and nothing else. If she believes in the retribution of God at all (which I doubt), she thinks she can say a few Our Fathers and Hail Marys and all will be forgiven. She has lived a life of corruption, so I don't think she's going to change now for a few rosaries and prayers.

  4. True Rebecca, we were taught that to confess our sins (to a priest, when I was young) we first had to STOP committing the sin! And make amends. Not that it's a 'get out of hell, free' card!
