Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday

I don't believe I had ever heard of one of these things prior to seeing this video.


  1. We had one in the 70s.
    It worked great.... until it didn't.
    Then it sat there and made a mud pit.
    We figured it out and used it for a long time, but every now and then, it made that mud pit.
    I liked it because it was the mechanical replacement for me, watering our nearly an acre yard.

  2. I meant to say, ours was the same green/yellow colors but it looked just like an old-timey, John Deere tractor with the moving parts enclosed and a faux front engine compartment.

  3. It does have the John Deere vibe.

  4. I saw the "improved" design several times ... ... "improved" as in "mostly plastic".

    I must say, I prefer the (nearly) all metal construction.

  5. Yeah, ours was cast iron.
    I thought that even if it didn't work it would be a cool display item.
