Friday, October 8, 2021


"Get the Message, GOP: Dems Hate You and They Don't Want to Be Your Friends".

After McConnell and ten -count 'em, ten - other Republicans threw the donks a lifeline on the debt ceiling, Upchuck Schumer still contrived to make a nasty speech condemning the GOP for "brinksmanship". And then Mitt Romney, who must have the word "Doofus" tattooed on his forehead, went up to Schumer after the speech, like the well-mannered dork he is:

Romney approached Schumer in the well of the Senate and is reported to have told him, "There's a time to be graceful and there's a time to be combative. That was a time for grace and common ground."
Cute, isn't it? Romney, the guy who was likened to a slave-holder by Joe "time for healing" Biden in 2012. Romney, the guy who Obama accused of murdering an employee's wife because he shut down a factory. Romney, the guy who was attacked by an Obama/Biden surrogate for using the word "marvelous."
If Romney doesn't get it now, he never will.
They hate you, Mitt. And they only pay you lip service when they need you. This goes for you, too, Mitch.
As of now, they don't need you anymore. You gave them what they wanted. And the moment the vote was over, they trashed you and dragged you into a pit to desecrate your corpse because they could.

 I swear, I wish as soon as Romney had mouthed his pathetic little half-assed criticism, Schumer had given him one of these...

1 comment:

  1. That Romney quote makes me want to puke.
    Sanctimony cranked up to 11.
