Friday, October 15, 2021

No honor among thieves

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a conspicuous anti-Trump Republican, is about to learn a painful lesson: "Democrats Prepare to Shank Anti-Trumper Adam Kinzinger in the Back".

If Adam Kinzinger, MSNBC Republican and rabid anti-Trumper, thought his conciliatory attitude toward the left the last several years was going to save him, he’s about to learn a tough lesson. Democrats are preparing to shank him in the back with a new redistricting map in Illinois that relieves him of his Congressional seat.

Stooges are always expendable.  


  1. Nobody trusts a turncoat. Not even the side he turns his coat to join.

  2. Say rather, useful idiots always end up against the wall.

  3. Useful idiot Kinzinger has lost his usefulness, but his idiocy will linger to the grave.

  4. That's a prime example of shooting yourself in the foot.
