Friday, October 15, 2021

Will there be show trials and executions and gulags?

Be still my beating heart! "Far-left Dems plan to purge moderates from the party as payback for resisting Biden’s $3.5T bill".


Stephen Skubinna said...

Bolsheviks vs. Mensheviks, Part 2: This Time It's Personal!

(I did toy with "Electric Boogaloo" for the subtitle)

Veeshir said...

The enemy of my enemy is my entertainment.

RebeccaH said...

They're going to be mighty surprised if purging the Democrats of moderates and pushing EmptyShelvesJoe's agenda results in a political party that will never again accomplish anything.

Paco said...

...a political party that will never again accomplish anything.

Yeah, if they're not careful, they're liable to turn into...Republicans!