Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday funnies


Lately, I've been seeing so many pictures and videos of alligators taken locally and posted on social media that I'm beginning to see gators everywhere. For example...

That awkward phase when you're trying to find your sea legs (H/T: David Thompson).

The Taliban is apparently falling behind in teaching geography (H/T: Ditto)

From Powerline's The Week in Pictures.


  1. My favorite 3 Stooges bit is when they were slap smack bopping each other in such a rhythm that they all broke into a dance.

  2. Good ones all, but I'm partial to the dog. Fauci wouldn't even make a taste in his mouth.

  3. If that dog had two more heads, he could pass himself off as Cerberus, no questions asked.

  4. Although, for all I know, he may be a complete sweetheart who adopted a litter of abandoned kittens.

  5. The last picture reminds me of a picture of a young blonde me in Shirley Temple curls wearing my pseudo leather vest, sheriff's badge, double rig Roy Rogers pistols, and holding a Mickey Mouse hand puppet. Like my contemporaries, we were ready for any black hat.

  6. Thank you RebeccaH, Like Paco, a connection to sanity since dialup.
    God bless you my friend.
    Uncle Ron from Melbourne Australia.
