Thursday, October 28, 2021

Time for a splash of cold water

I'm glad to see Glenn Youngkin pull ahead of Terry McCauliffe in a recent Fox News poll, but I still bet Youngkin will lose. Virginia has turned pretty blue because of of the Northern cities and counties which are mostly bedroom communities for federal employees, lobbyists, lawyers and such riff raff, and even though many have soured on Biden, I doubt that they're going to suddenly start voting for Hitler - I mean, a Republican. And the race is certainly still close enough for the Democrats to steal if they can't win it fairly. FWIW, I really, really hope I turn out to be completely wrong about the outcome.


  1. Look for a sudden surge in Den votes after the mail in ballots are created and counted. The pause in counting on election night is to tell the Dem's how many mail in ballots they need to create to win.

  2. Like you, I'm withholding any confidence in Youngkin. It would be glorious if he won, but the cheating mechanism is already in place. And if McAwful wins, look for Virginia to become California.
