Saturday, October 23, 2021

You know what I think would make for an interesting scientific experiment?

Staking Fauci to an anthill after marinating him in honey. What's the goal of the experiment, you ask? I don't know offhand; maybe we'll think of something after the first, say, 24 hours.

I'm prompted to suggest the above after the disclosure of more of his deviltry (Warning! These "experiments" that Fauci funded feature dog torture that is sickening. Just take my word for it if you want to avoid reading the nauseating details).


  1. I said I worked as an aide in a medical research lab 30 yrs ago. I was not aware of any dogs being involved - maybe a few rabbits but mostly white mice, because apparently mouse biology is compatible with humans, while dogs' isn't. They'd get samples from abattoirs too, but scientists prefer 'in vivo'...

    So this is real science, and the Steven Pinker optimists just brush it off. I'm a pessimist.

    I wasn't allowed in the animal room part of the lab, it even had a hidden entrance to deter animal rights activists. I stumbled in there for a few seconds once, and it looked like Jules Verne's Island of Moreau. Now with the global vaccine 'experiment' we really need much more open discussion of all this, instead of being dictated to by an elite.

  2. I'm not against animal testing, but this particular procedure sounds like something that Josef Mengele dreamed up. What medical value would result from this brutality?

  3. Testing a whether a new drug is effective it says, JeffS.
    Also - some of Mengele's results were valuable: the temps at which human pilots would freeze for example.

    That's why I'm concerned about the current vax thing - there really are no obvious differences between 'good' and 'bad' science. It's all the same, whether done by a psycho or not. The problem is that we all end up as guinea pigs, or cattle herded from one pen to another, if science becomes our master.

  4. PS, all sorts of problems invoking Mengele I see though - apparently he's not one of the freezing researchers, and their work is claimed to be fraudulent - I have trouble believing the German Air Force relied on fake data though. More likely it was typical of the time.

    And then, Mengele used human subjects. Animals are used to avoid that.

    A better example is this:

    which was actually recommended to me by my family doctor 50 years ago, a year or so before half the patients died from the 'therapy'. And if you read to the end, you see some of the doctors involved are still claiming they did good! Easy to judge in hindsight, but at the time this was cutting edge science. Labels 'good' and 'bad' ('discredited') are an afterthought. That's not what 'the authorities' thought at the time.

  5. I couldn't read the details. I only got a glimpse of the dogs lying with their heads in cages and couldn't go further. I am not objective, nor in this case do I want to be. What world-shaking information was gained from this "experiment" that couldn't have been gotten some other way? My feeling is that Fauci sitting there bloodlessly funding this kind of thing, and all those "researchers" should be stripped naked and flayed alive.

  6. If the reporting is accurate, they were testing a new drug which combats parasites acquired from sandfly bites, which are probably pretty horrific in N Africa - both the sandflies and the parasites. Local children would be the most susceptible, it just figures, like the bees in my neighbour's hive ignored adults but attacked children so much he got rid of it.

    Why Beagles? I'm guessing their skin and fur are softer and easier for sandflies to bite, and they are more susceptible to the parasites, closer to humans (children) in size. Why their faces? Because that's where the softest skin is. Horrible of course - I am as appalled as everyone, but maybe I know slightly more about it. Not by choice! I wish I didn't know this stuff and could live in blissful ignorance.

    Look I'm not defending this at all, but as someone who worked as an aide for 6-7 years in a lab where they experimented on animals, I guess I have to explain what I know, although I'm not happy having to be the bearer of bad news.

    I feel like the guy in Heart of Darkness wondering if 'the ones back home' should be 'kept out of it'.

  7. Gateway Pundit claims that because they tested the drug on mice, gerbils and macaques, further testing was 'unnecessary'. What? Different dosages! What if there was an unforeseen effect at higher dosage? What if children died as a result?

    Then the headline would be 'Researchers clear drug which was only tested on mice!' etc. 'Failed to test on larger animals at human dosages'...

    Big Pharma are scared of litigation, which is why the current open slather for vaccines where they can't be sued for problems is so worrying - it makes us all the guinea pigs.

    And that IS the alternative to animal testing - big data, where everyone's medical records are open to researchers and they develop models based on them - while we all become like cattle in a vast laboratory.

  8. You make good points, Bruce, and there are valid reasons for animal testing.

    But given Fauci’s lack of credibility, many people are unwilling to give him the benefit of the doubt.
